Back for your ear drums with a brand new episode of “The Hardcore Closer Podcast” with your favorite closer Mr. Ryan Stewman.
In this episode of HCP Ryan is talking about online video and why it is such a powerful tool for growing your sales.
Even though video is a powerful tool, not nearly enough sales professionals and closers are tapping into it. That being said, hearing that alone tells you that you need to be creating videos.
The majority of people hate being on video so they do not create any. That leaves it wide open for the people who aren’t afraid to get on video.
Start Closing More Deals And Show Up To Close Everyday:
When your marketplace starts seeing you on video it will be that you that is building a relationship, building authority, and building influence all through your videos.
Ryan talks about how and why video packs so much punch and how you can start leveraging it to close you more sales all on auto pilot.
Even if you hate or are sacred to do video Ryan delivers some great advice on getting over that fear.
The meat of this podcast episode is Ryan’s five step formula to creating videos on the fly that close deals.
Ryan goes over each step in extreme detail to make it as easy as possible for you.
You do not have to be an experienced videographer or have any fancy equipment. Ryan breaks down how you can start implementing videos to close you more deals now!
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